Case Study

London Borough of Hackney

Hackney Council is working to provide significant lasting benefits including better public transport; jobs for local people; work for local businesses; new and improved sports facilities; a better environment; greater participation in sport, culture and the arts; and promotion of the borough as a destination for work, living and investment.

The borough is a truly cosmopolitan region. It has a population of approximately 216,000, of whom over 20% are claiming council benefits of some kind and an unemployment rate of 9%. In addition it has an annual income of circa £400 million.

To support the normal day to day citizen needs and the additional requirements of the forthcoming Olympics clearly Hackney required an efficient cost effective Citizen Service Solution.

Hackney had already implemented Microsoft Dynamics CRM as the core platform for its citizen service strategy but, in order to deliver the volume and quality of services expected, a comprehensive call scripting solution that could be deployed quickly and easily both internally and on the web was required.

TKDialogs was chosen following a comprehensive tender and evaluation process. It was selected primarily for its ease and speed of development, which is typically 6-7 times faster than coding. Other factors were the simplicity of the software deployment, reduced training requirements, ease of use and the experience of Team Knowledge within Microsoft and the public sector.

TKDialogs provides call scripting and process automation through a single user interface across all of the council’s service delivery channels.

In the new contact centre agents can handle even the most complex enquiries and service requests through TKDialogs scripts. Similarly, on the website, citizens are led through intuitive screens which provide direct access to council services and interact seamlessly with Dynamics CRM to create service requests and appointments. The key business areas of waste, registrars and licensing have already been deployed with all other services to follow.

“We have found TKDialogs to be much more than a call scripting tool. It has enabled us to very rapidly develop comprehensive citizen service applications based on Dynamics CRM. TKDialogs provides a common interface for our citizen-facing staff and public across a wide range of services, enabling enquiries to be handled at the first point of contact. The TKDialogs approach is an integral part of our citizen strategy and has enabled us to deliver our CRM implementation project on time and in budget.” Alex Wilson, Technical Programme Manager, London Borough of Hackney

TKDialogs is the leading call scripting and process automation add-on for Microsoft Dynamics CRM and SharePoint portal solutions. It also provides integration with other systems to ensure efficient and cost effective citizen services.
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